|| Dosha Puja Performs ||

||Puja Performs||

Narayan Nagnagbali

Kalsarp Yog Shanti

Tripindi Shradha

About Patankars...

The patankar family from last 250 years in devotionally gaining and giving knowledge about the rituals followed in vedic hindu religion.

Nathushatri patankar a famed personality is titled by "Vyakaranacharya" by the people. A great scholar and learner of Sanskrit language 'Nathushastri' worked for the spread out of sanskrit language and delighted many young learners. He devoled his life for proving the importance of Sanskrit language and his great work was then awarded by the government by grantinghis name to the chowk near parshuram temple by the knowable hands of "Shankaracharya" .